CONCEPT "The handprint, our handprint. The Astro Alpino T-Shirt, made of cotton with the addition of 8% elastane, is the shirt that reveals the soul of Karpos, returning to its origins. Our hand, a fusion between the fingers of a man and those of a gecko, in large print. It’s the soul of Karpos, the vertical essence that reveals our love for the outdoors and outdoor activities, with no obligations. Because in the mountains, you’re free to choose, always. Only one simple rule applies: respect nature, in all its forms.
Made from organic cotton, a raw material grown without the use of synthetic pesticides, fertilizers, or herbicides, the Astro Alpino T-Shirt is 100% natural. A hypoallergenic and breathable shirt that respects nature, with the organic cotton production allowing for a 91% reduction in water use compared to the cultivation of standard cotton."
DESCRIPTION T-shirt that recalls the origins of Karpos, with our logo and our motto “Free to keep going” in large print.